There is only one official language spoken in Japan, which is of course Japanese. However, many Japanese are able to understand English to a certain extent since English is the foreign language that everyone must learn as part of their education.
Following are a few phrases that we can all practice together.
Useful Japanese Phrases:
Japanese to English
Ohayou gozaimasu - Good morning
Kon'nichiwa - Good afternoon
Kon'banwa - Good evening
Oyasumi nasai - Good night
Sayounara - Good-bye
Sumimasen - Excuse me
Gomen nasai - I am sorry
Wakarimasen - I don't understand
Arigatou - Thank you
Hai - Yes
Iie - No
Following are a few phrases that we can all practice together.
Useful Japanese Phrases:
Japanese to English
Ohayou gozaimasu - Good morning
Kon'nichiwa - Good afternoon
Kon'banwa - Good evening
Oyasumi nasai - Good night
Sayounara - Good-bye
Sumimasen - Excuse me
Gomen nasai - I am sorry
Wakarimasen - I don't understand
Arigatou - Thank you
Hai - Yes
Iie - No