Lindsay Community School has been blessed with a music therapy program for the infants and toddlers and their mothers. In order to ensure the continuation of this program, we will be writing letters of recommendation for the program. Below are some questions to consider when writing your letter.
1. Why do you think this music program exists for mothers and their babies?
2. What have you learned through this program?
3. Do you use music besides during music class? If so, when and how often?
4. Describe how you feel when you and your baby participate during music class.
5. What is your favorite part of the music time? How about for your child?
6. Does your baby do any of the sign language, play instruments, or sing at home? Describe what you observed.
7. Do you think the music experiences affected your relationship with your child? If so, how?
8. Is the music class for mommies and babies a worthwhile experience overall?
9. Did the music class improve your child's development (language, motor, social skills?) How so?
10. Would you recommend this music program to a friend who was pregnant or who had a child?
When you're done with the assignment, please post you letter onto your blog. Also, for extra bonus points, take a picture of your child during music therapy and post it on your blog!! When posting, please use your Scribd account so that it appears as Word document! (see sample above)
Hey Dawn I'am done with my letter:p
hey dawn im done with my letter
Im done with my letter
ya termine posting la carta!
dawn im done with da Andrew Jackson letter
im done dawn
im done
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