Monday, March 24, 2008

radical feminista!!

Feminist Matilda Gage born
March 24, 2008 - March 24, 1826
Matilda Joslyn Gage, feminist and abolitionist was born on this date in 1826. Gage was a major force in the liberation of women and in the abolition of slavery, arguing that all people deserved freedom as natural rights. Gage was one of the founders of the National Woman Suffrage Association.
"Although our country makes great professions in regard to general liberty, yet the right to particular liberty, natural equality, and personal independence, of two great portions of this country, is treated, from custom, with the greatest contempt; and color in the one instance, and sex in the other, are brought as reasons why they should be so derided; and the mere mention of such, natural rights is frowned upon, as tending to promote sedition and anarchy…
We need not expect the concessions demanded by women will be peaceably granted; there will be a long moral warfare, before the citadel yields; in the meantime, let us take possession of the outposts. The public must be aroused to a full sense of the justice of our claims. Beside the duty of educating our children, so as to make the path of right, easy to their feet, is that of discussion, newspaper articles, petitions: all great reforms are gradual. Fear not any attempt to frown down the revolution already commenced; nothing is a more fertile aid of reform, than an attempt to check it; work on."

“Work sows the seed:
Even the rock may yield its flower:
No lot so hard, but human power,
Exerted to one end and aim,
May conquer fate, and capture fame!
Press on!
Pause not in fear:
Preach no desponding, servile view-
What ever thou will’st thy WILL may do.
Work on, and win!
Shall light from nature’s depth arise,
And thou, who mind can grasp the skies,
Sit down with fate, and idly rail!
Let the Truth prevail!”

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