Words Alive Discussion: Piece of Cake
- go to your blog and write a final review of Piece of Cake and the group discussion. You might want to include: what you enjoyed about the discussion, what you would have changed, what you learned from other girls' comments, other activities you'd like to do during the discussions, etc. On your shelfari, write a review of the book and the discussion
- On your Shelfari, copy and paste your book review from your blog onto your Shelfari account.
- make sure you are linked to Lindsay's Shelfari account
- create a link on your blog to your Shelfari bookshelf
- put a Shelfari bookshelf, as a widget, on your blog
I aready finished!
i'm done
Im done
Im done
dawn am done wendy
i'm done
Im Done ! -Mi Vida Loca
im done
finished the 2 assinments!
I'm all done!!! :)
Dawn i finished everything and i finally installed a shelfari in my blog...!!!
nancy r
FINISHED DAWN! sorry i forgot to tell you when i did actually finish it =]
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